This data set of line feature represents Riverside County's airport runways.RWY_ID: FAA designated runway call signST_NAME: State location of runwaySTFIPS: State designationRWY_LEN: Length of runway in feet, if availableRWY_WDTH: Width of runway in feet, if availableRWY_SFC_TY: Runway surface typeAFSC: Aggregate Friction Seal CoatASPH: AsphaltCONC: ConcreteDIRT: DirtGRVD: GroovedGRVL: GravelPFC: Porous Friction CoursesPSP: Pierced Steel PlankRFSC: Rubberized Friction Seal CoatTURF: TurfTRTD: TreatedWC: Wire CombedRWY_STATUS: Status of runway (Proposed/Existing)NAME: Name of airportLOC_ID: FAA assinged airport call sign |